The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB) believes old buildings have a future. From cottages to castles and from churches to cathedrals they are there to help buildings and the people who care for them. Through their unique training schemes, courses, advice and research they help people put expertise into practice.

The SPAB believes that the best way to learn traditional building skills is through hands-on experience. The working parties offer a unique opportunity to learn from some of the country's leading craftspeople in a relaxed setting. Every year the SPAB puts its advice and expertise into practice at a building in need and it has become an increasingly popular event, attracting volunteers ranging from heritage and architectural professionals, to those with an informed amateur interest in buildings and history. For one week they are united in their efforts to help a specific building. The working party is a sociable and fun way to learn more about building conservation.




One of three tutors delivering workshops as part of the annual SPAB Working party, we worked with unskilled to semi-skilled participants over a period of four or five days to repair an old sawmill in Finzean, Aberdeenshire.

The sawmill needed some repairs, in the form of an old pulley/sluice gate that needed fixed, some supporting columns underneath a deck needed replaced, and some new bridges over the waterways needed built. It was my task to make sure the new bridges were built.

I was also asked to act as Site Manager for the event and have been asked back to deliver this years as well. It was a lovely event, and very nice to be involved in the repair of something so historically significant with people who were inherently interested in being there and learning new skills.


Some nice finished photos of the new bridges, repaired pulley bracket, pillars and columns under decking.