The Scottish Ecological Design Association.

SEDA are a network of around 150 members predominantly in Scotland, linking those seeking ecological information and services with those who provide them. They aim to share knowledge, skills and experience of ecological design, encourage sustainable thinking and promoting environmentally proactive behaviour.

Members include academics, architects, artists, builders, planners, students, ecologists, landscape designers, materials suppliers, woodworkers, and many more whose work or interest is concerned with design for a sustainable future.


My Involvement

As the Vice Chair for SEDA I suggested, pursued and co-designed their new website alongside Calum from Dotrun. It was a complete overhaul of the website, from the user end experience, to the integration of events, shop and membership functionality.

It was extremely important that the website be able to remove the time spent manually managing the membership, while overhauling the look and aesthetic of the website to haul it into 2018.

We've had great feedback and it is in constant growth as we tweak, add and improve on the bones of the site and what it can do for the organisation.